تأليفاتمجلاتمقالاتنشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی

نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی 39 تابستان 1394 ، بخش 2

فهرست مقالات در  نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

۱۱- Measuring Iran’s Industrial Clusters Competitiveness: Through Porterian Diamond Framework and Factors |دکتر فرهاد خداداد کاشی، دکتر محمدحسین پورکاظمی، علی قاسمی
۱۲- Assessing the Sustainability of Urban Neighborhoods in 17 District of Tehran city Using ANP Modelدکتر زهره فنی *، کوروش اخوان حیدری، اکبر حیدری
۱۳- Analysis of Passive Defense in Plants and Equipment in Rashtدکتر محمدتقی رهنمایی، دکتر پروانه زیویار، صابره صلاح کار، حسن حسینی امینی
۱۴- Evaluation Indicators of Good Urban Governance Case Study: The Central Area of Region 10of Tehran Metropolitanدکتر اسماعیل شیعه، صدف طباطبایی، مهدی سعیدی
۱۵- Factors affecting the explanation of Tehran’s spatial structure: Case of Region 3 of Tehran دکتر اسماعیل نصیری، احمدرضا یزدانی *، دکتر سید علی صفوی
۱۶- Identification and design of factors influencing nationalist of consumer by protection approach from small and medium enterprises (SMEs)دکتر اوژان کریمی، دکتر محمد محمودی میمند، دکتر علی اکبر جوکار، مهدی محمود زاده
۱۷- Analysis of architectural structure and urban design (mosque – shrine) of Khwaja Abu Nasr Parsa in Timurid period of Iran in Balkh, Afghanistan فرشته خرازی قدیم
۱۸-  Examine the Relationship between the Process-Oriented Organizations by Strategy Formation as a Formal Processدکتر سید علی اکبر احمدی، دکتر علیرضا علی احمدی، دکتر شمس السادات زاهدی، آرتا ابونبی
۱۹- Studying the importance of the tourism industry for sustainable urban development (Case Study – coastal town: Chalus)مریم دانش نژاد *، دکتر کرامت الله زیاری
۲۰- Evaluating and revisiting the public government: a policy feedback perspectiveمجید فراهانی *، دکتر سید مهدی الوانی، دکتر مرتضی موسی خانی، دکتر غلامرضا معمار زاده تهران

مقاله ۱۱ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Measuring Iran’s Industrial Clusters Competitiveness: Through Porterian Diamond Framework and Factors |دکتر فرهاد خداداد کاشی، دکتر محمدحسین پورکاظمی، علی قاسمی

Competitiveness is divided into two broad categories named as macroeconomic and microeconomic competitiveness. Microeconomic competitiveness indicators have a direct impact on company productivity within which sate of cluster development is the most important pillar of microeconomic competitiveness that are introduced by Michael Porter and it’s framework as Diamond Model. The Diamond reveals almost every things matters for competitiveness and based on six indices and 24 sub-indices. In This article by the way of DEMATEL technique and MATLAB software the priority of 6 indices and 24 sub-indices has been showed in 47 industrial clusters (in 19 provinces) and interaction of these indices and sub-indices also has been depicted. This priority is as below: 1-Demand conditions, 2-Role of Government, 3-Factor conditions, 4- Context for strategy and rivalry, 5-Chance, 6- related and supporting industries. This priority for 6 indices and 24 sub-indices could be used as a toolkit by policy makers to enhance regional economic development so that those factors should be used that have most effect on regional economy and leased influence form exogenous factors.

مقاله ۱۲ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Assessing the Sustainability of Urban Neighborhoods in 17 District of Tehran city Using ANP Modelدکتر زهره فنی *، کوروش اخوان حیدری، اکبر حیدری

توسعه محله ای یکی از اهداف برنامه ریزی توسعه پایدار شهری و اقدامی کلیدی در نیل به توسعه پایدار قلمداد می شود. دیدگاه توسعه محله پایدار، رویکرد نوینی است که در آن حل مشکلات شهری را در بازگشت به مفهوم محله جستجومی کند. روش پژوهش توصیفی- تحلیلی و موردکاوی می باشد. همچنین روش یافته اندوزی براساس مطالعات کتابخانه ای، اسنادی و مصاحبه با کارشناسان و مسئولان و با هدف سنجش میزان پایداری در سطح محلات منطقه ۱۷ شهر تهران درصدد بوده تا با استفاده از فرآیند تحلیل شبکه ای و روش دلفی، به بررسی و تحلیل وضعیت ۲۵ شاخص مختلف در ابعاد اجتماعی-فرهنگی، اقتصادی و کالبدی-زیست محیطی برای سنجش پایداری بپردازد. نتایج حاکی از وجود اختلاف قابل توجه بین محلات، از لحاظ ابعاد پایداری بوده و بر این اساس محله یافت آباد بیشترین امتیاز، رتبه اول و محله فلاح کمترین امتیاز را کسب نمود و در رتبه ی آخر به عنوان محرومترین محله ی منطقه به لحاظ شاخص های پایداری قرار گرفته است. نتایج این پژوهش می تواند سیاستگذاران و برنامه ریزان را در تدوین سیاستها و برنامه ریزی مناسب در جهت محرومیت زدایی و برقراری عدالت اجتماعی یاری دهد.

مقاله ۱۳ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Analysis of Passive Defense in Plants and Equipment in Rashtدکتر محمدتقی رهنمایی، دکتر پروانه زیویار، صابره صلاح کار، حسن حسینی امینی

Metropolitan city of Rasht as the largest nucleus of population density in Gilan province place most of the manpower, investment, economic and infrastructure projects. The same subject make necessary to study the main arteries and land usage of Rasht city of in terms of passive defense. Passive defense as a set of preventive measures cause to increases deterrence, reducing vulnerability, sustain essential activities, promote national stability and easing crisis Management against the threat and military, natural and human action. According to research that deals with the vital arteries of the Rasht city in terms of passive defense, at first it was necessary to predicted threat scenarios for demand centers (centers vulnerable to threats). Therefore, the future threats that may be suffered were identified in Rasht. Then due to the type of threat, risk-taking, damage radius, impact intensity, importance and priority, different area of Rasht (study area) valuated using experts and pundits and using AHP model. In this process, the risk place of Rasht in three areas (high risk, medium risk, low risk) was identified in GIS medium. Finally, the position of each demand center associated with critical artery, area risk, supply centers (aid in crisis) and arrangement manner, access, distribution, and proximity to Main Street were examined. The study showed that in current condition, the main artery and branches in Rasht due to stars pattern of the city and nearby land use, accordance with the standards and considerations of passive defense, are not in direction to suitable respond to possible crises.

چکیده مقاله

ادامه مطلب
نشریه معماری و شهرسازی ایران شماره 8

مقاله ۱۴ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Evaluation Indicators of Good Urban Governance Case Study: The Central Area of Region 10of Tehran Metropolitanدکتر اسماعیل شیعه، صدف طباطبایی، مهدی سعیدی

با پیش بینی استقرار بیش از ۶۶ درصد جمعیت جهان در شهرها در طی ۱۰ سال آینده، جهان در حال تبدیل به جهان شهری است. از این رو مدیریت شهری در آینده درگیر مشکلات فراوانی خواهد بود. محققان و اندیشمندان حکمرانی خوب را بهترین راه برون رفت کلانشهرها از مشکلات مدیریتی خود می دانند، لذا مدیریت شهری با لحاظ نمودن مؤلفه های نظریه حکمرانی خوب شهری در برنامه ریزی ها از آن بهره مند می شود. هدف از این نوشتار، ارزیابی شاخص های حکمروایی خوب شهری در محدوده بافت مرکزی منطقه ۱۰ تهران می باشد که به منظور دستیابی به این هدف درابتدا با روش مطالعه اسنادی، مفاهیم نظری، نظریه ها، الگوها، دستورالعمل ها و توصیه ها و معیارهای مختلف در رابطه حکمروایی خوب شهری و مؤلفه های آن در محیط شهری مورد بررسی قرار گرفته اند و با استفاده از مفاهیم و تعاریف، چارچوب اولیه تدوین شده است. برای سنجش حکمروایی هشت عامل اصلی: جامعیت و مشارکت، رضایتمندی، تحقق پذیری، آموزش و افزایش کارآیی، کنترل و نظارت، پاسخگویی و مشارکت، شفافیت، کیفیت و مطلوبیت محیطی در نظر گرفته شده و برای هر کدام زیرمعیارهایی تدوین شده است. در ادامه و به روش پیمایش، اطلاعات محدوده مورد مطالعه با استفاده از پرسشنامه جمع آوری گردید و در پی آن با تهیه ی بانک اطلاعاتی و استفاده از تحلیل عاملی در نرم افزار SPSS معیارها طبقه بندی شدند. و با استفاده از روش تحلیل رگرسیون خطی رابطه عوامل با رضایتمندی کلی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است و برای ارتقا و بهبود حکمروایی در منطقه ۱۰ شهر تهران به اولویت بندی و رتبه بندی معیارها و زیر معیارها برای ساماندهی محدوده مورد مطالعه پرداخته شده است.

چکیده مقاله

ادامه مطلب
نشریه علمی پژوهشی باغ نظر شماره 41 مهر 1395

مقاله ۱۵ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Factors affecting the explanation of Tehran’s spatial structure: Case of Region 3 of Tehran دکتر اسماعیل نصیری، احمدرضا یزدانی *، دکتر سید علی صفوی

The term “physical development and land use” was primarily raised in the Western countries so that governments could monitor the way the land is used and to maintain property rights. However, with rapid growth of urbanization and development of urban and regional planning the dimensions and the contents of the concept have expanded day by day. The central and practical core of urban planning is the land use planning not only is categorized as a type of functional planning but also serves as a guide to direct urban development programs. Urban land use planning refers to an organizing plan to arrange urban activities in order to achieve specific objectives and it plays a determinant role in physical development. The process of preparing the urban development plans is essentially reviewed and explained in a form of macro-planning process. Accordingly, given the centrality of the issue in line with the analysis of physical development in the Region 3 in Tehran, by recognizing the current opportunity and analyzing the characteristics and structure of the region under study, the present study tried to explain the issue and ultimately to explain the production in this area. The main goal of the present study is to recognize spatial structure of the Region 3 of Tehran in order to extract the potential problems and finally to devise the intended plan.

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۱۶ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Identification and design of factors influencing nationalist of consumer by protection approach from small and medium enterprises (SMEs)دکتر اوژان کریمی، دکتر محمد محمودی میمند، دکتر علی اکبر جوکار، مهدی محمود زاده

Supporting production and consumption of domestic goods is always a top priority in our country’s economic and trade policy and a common approach in this regard, political and legal support and encourage the consumption of domestic goods by utilizing and stimulate patriotic feelings and pushing these feelings to use domestic goods and establish business of entrepreneurs. On this basis, the main problem of this study is to identify the components of the nationalist of consumer culture in support of small and medium enterprises. In this regard, and to respond to the problem mentioned the aim of this study is to take advantage from the research literature and referring to the opinions of experts, a model for nationalist of consumer culture in support of small and medium enterprises design. For achieve to purpose mentioned the Delphi method was used. Present results of Delphi, seven factors influencing nationalist consumer in supporting small and medium enterprises to include programing in the national media, teaching religious teaching to youth raising the social value of Iranian products, banning the propaganda of foreign products, requiring executive agencies to the use of domestic goods, enhance the functional value of Iranian products and enhance the emotional value of Iranian products detected.

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۱۷ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۳۹ (ضمیمه)

 Analysis of architectural structure and urban design (mosque – shrine) of Khwaja Abu Nasr Parsa in Timurid period of Iran in Balkh, Afghanistan فرشته خرازی قدیم

The shrines are monument of the deceased person which are constructed for respecting and honoring the memory of the deceased person and rely on spiritual concepts such as eternality, death etc. In this paper, attempt has been made to analyze architectural structure of Khwaja Abu Nasr Parsa in Balkh, Afghanistan which was part of Iran in the Timurids period and Khorasan (one province in Iran) region. This period is one of the most important periods for application of the shrine monuments. This shrine is one of the most important shrines in the Timurids period and probably is one of the known historical monuments of Balkh and also plays role of mosque which is called a kind of shrine mosque. Research method of this paper is historical documentary and its analysis method is descriptive –analytical. So, all types of decorations and architectural physical elements of this monument are studied and results from magnificence are given.

ادامه مطلب
نشریه هنرهای زیبا-معماری و شهرسازی شماره 48

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۱۸

 Examine the Relationship between the Process-Oriented Organizations by Strategy Formation as a Formal Processدکتر سید علی اکبر احمدی، دکتر علیرضا علی احمدی، دکتر شمس السادات زاهدی، آرتا ابونبی

This article examines the role of management in business processes in relation to the process-oriented organization and strategy formation as a formal process (strategic planning). A questionnaire designed to measure these variables after the validity and reliability among a sample of 183 managers, officials and experts in working systems, information technology and strategic planning in major firms of Iran Khodro Industrial Group distributed. The method of research is cross-correlation and path analysis used to test research hypotheses. The results showed that process-oriented organization through management in business processes the pattern of the process of managing business processes involved on strategy formation as a formal process. Finally, to enhance the process maturity and effective strategic planning proposals have presented to managers.

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۱۹

 Studying the importance of the tourism industry for sustainable urban development (Case Study – coastal town: Chalus)مریم دانش نژاد *، دکتر کرامت الله زیاری

Todays, sustainable development is one of the principles which are considered by scholars. This means that the future of humanity is very important to maintain living standards, so that it can no longer operate as before and use the human environment. Therefore the effects of tourism should be studied perfectly to minimize its threat and maximize opportunities and strength points and this would not be realized in case of cooperation of countries. To achieve sustainable development of cultural tourism, all segments of a society should engage based on the principles of sustainable development planning to turn it into a popular culture. Sustainable development and tourism have organic communication with each other. UNWTO defines sustainable development as a kind of development which meets to needs without affecting the interests of future generations and their needs. Tourism as a social and cultural reality has both positive and negative functions in society.

چکیده مقاله

مقاله ۲۰

 Evaluating and revisiting the public government: a policy feedback perspectiveمجید فراهانی *، دکتر سید مهدی الوانی، دکتر مرتضی موسی خانی، دکتر غلامرضا معمار زاده تهران

Existing models of quality evaluation in public sector are mainly derived from the approaches within private sector. These models which represented by the New Public Management (NPM) paradigm, don&rsquot reflect the fundamental values of public administration, which are the very essence of the discipline and contrasting it from private sector. These core values, such as democratic citizenship, are labeled as &ldquonon-performance&rdquo aspects of quality by existing market-oriented quality models and, hence, are abandoned from evaluation. Following on the changes have occurred in ways of governing, which is identified as &ldquopublic governance&rdquo, this study suggests that quality evaluation in this area of governance should be based not only on measuring policy outputs and process, but also on evaluating political outcomes of public services, specifically those related to democratic citizenship. Government, however, plays a considerable role in governance network. Thus, the quality of ways through which government plays its role matters and, consequently, should be assessed.

چکیده مقاله


نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی

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