تأليفاتمجلاتمقالاتنشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی

نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۴۰ (ضمیمه)

نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی 40 پاییز 1394 ، بخش 2

فهرست مقالات در  نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۴۰ (ضمیمه)

۱۱- Explaining the Factors Affecting the Usage of Electronic Insurance in Iran Insurance Company and its Operating Strategies دکتر قنبر امیر نژاد *، توفیق فهیمی زاده
۱۲- Designing and Presenting of a Model of Sense Making in Service Organizations علی کرباسی *، دکتر امیر حسین امیرخانی، دکتر سید علی اکبر احمدی، دکتر علی نجات بخش اصفهانی
۱۳- The model of strategic management of HR competency The mediating role of competency approach related to organizational strategic orientation and human resource management system داوود حسین پور، شقایق کرمانشاهی
۱۴- The impact of brand equity on price premium, brand extension, brand preference and purchase intention  اکرم قلیچ خان *، دکتر حمید رضا سعیدنیا
۱۵- Vehicles and Noise Pollution Measurement and their Effects on Public and Mental Health on Qom Citizens دکتر علی مهدی *، دکتر معصومه مهدیان بهنمیری
۱۶- The design of a cultural measurement model in the field of citizen’s innovation and cultural production |
مصطفی عبدی *، دکتر اسماعیل کاووسی
۱۷- Comparative study of Thomas More’s utopia and Farabi’s utopia by emphasis on architectural and urban Design spaces دکتر حسن ستاری ساربانقلی
۱۸- Factors Affecting intention to buy of Islamic Azad University students to foreign brands of economy and clothing (case study: all students of Islamic Azad University in Tehran) حمید رضا سعیدنیا *، داوود قربان زاده
۱۹- Identifying and Prioritizing of Effective Factors in Social Responsibility of Professors of Islamic Azad University, Branch of Qazvin نعمیه مرسلی *، دکتر مرتضی موسی خانی، دکتر علی بدیع زاده
۲۰- Study People and Nature Connection in Built Environment to verify Aqa-Bozorg Mosque as Biophilic Design دکتر خسرو موحد

مقاله ۱۱ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۴۰ (ضمیمه)

 Explaining the Factors Affecting the Usage of Electronic Insurance in Iran Insurance Company and its Operating Strategies دکتر قنبر امیر نژاد *، توفیق فهیمی زاده

The present study aimed to explain the factors affecting the usage of electronic insurance in Iran insurance company and its operating strategies in Khuzestan province. The research method is descriptive-survey method, and data collecting instrument is questionnaire. The study population is consisted of 480 people of all staff and experts the sales network in Iran insurance company in Khuzestan province that 206 statistical sample were selected using Cochran&rsquos sampling method. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS software after the completion and examination of 160 questionnaires. Data analysis performed using single-sample t-test and Friedman test.

مقاله ۱۲ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۴۰ (ضمیمه)

 Designing and Presenting of a Model of Sense Making in Service Organizations علی کرباسی *، دکتر امیر حسین امیرخانی، دکتر سید علی اکبر احمدی، دکتر علی نجات بخش اصفهانی

Organizational sense making is the process that helps managers to understand how organization’s members change ideas and eventually what they chose, maintain and achieve among different meanings. �This study examines and presents a model of sense making in service organizations and results in addition to the research community in other service organizations such as municipalities and municipal services organizations used. The present study investigated the subject scientific literature and research conducted try to design sense-making model in service organizations and ultimately the validity and reliability confirmed and try to provide the model. The study population included 44 PNU centers and units in the Isfahan province that have considered and 325 members of the community, according to Morgan table have chosen as a sample. According to the regression derived from the path analysis conducted, it turns out organizational changes by coefficients of 0.68 maximum impact and personal contexts 0.36 low impact and sense making with the coefficient 0.81 had more impact on individual outcomes.

مقاله ۱۳ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۴۰ (ضمیمه)

 The model of strategic management of HR competency The mediating role of competency approach related to organizational strategic orientation and human resource management system داوود حسین پور، شقایق کرمانشاهی

This study intends to propose a modern model in the field of human resources (HR) strategic management through designing human resources&rsquo competence framework. Based on this strategic orientation of organization on human resources management system has been investigated considering the mediating role of competence approach in Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In order to implement and test assumed model, researcher has proposed clear and measurable indicators for each one of research&rsquos concepts and in order to determine the best indices of research through Delphi method and expertise inventory, 30 professors and experts of management and central bank managers were asked about items. Data collection was done based on an inventory with 109 questions and distributing it among random sample of 330 managers and central bank staffs

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ادامه مطلب
نشریه علمی پژوهشی باغ نظر شماره 20 خرداد 1391

مقاله ۱۴ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۴۰ (ضمیمه)

The impact of brand equity on price premium, brand extension, brand preference and purchase intention  اکرم قلیچ خان *، دکتر حمید رضا سعیدنیا

One of the most valuable assets of each firm is the brand of that firm. Whatever the �brand equity is more in the consumers, mind, the firm can gain more benefits from the consumers in its shadow. The continuous controlling of this concept is as a necessary step in its effective management. In recent decades, studying and searching about the brand has allocated a special position in different domains such as university and business market to itself. Most of the researchers and managers of companies have concluded that the most valuable asset of a firm for improvement of marketing is the knowledge of branding which is accomplished by investing in marketing plans and creates the brand picture in the consumer&rsquos mind. With regard to this important, studying the effective factors on the brand equity and its effects on the customer responses with a comprehensive look which includes both dimensions is needed.

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مقاله ۱۵ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۴۰ (ضمیمه)

 Vehicles and Noise Pollution Measurement and their Effects on Public and Mental Health on Qom Citizens دکتر علی مهدی *، دکتر معصومه مهدیان بهنمیری

One of the most important issues in today&rsquos urban world is increasing use of cars and its noise pollution, which is now one of the most important affecting pollutants on health and quality of lives of residents in urban areas. Noise pollution effects on various aspects of human and the community health as well as the high cost of treatment, thus more studies in this field is needed. Hence the importance of this study is to measure noise pollution caused by traffic and its impact on public health and mental health of the citizens in Qom. The study method was field studies and library. The data obtained over a period of three months regularly studies from the streets of Qom and using the B & K-2230, Quest-2900 and dosimeter. Overall, the results indicate that almost in all streets, noise pollution rate is higher the standard level. Among these the Imam Khomeini Avenue, 19 Day, Eram, and Enghelab streets have more noise pollutions. Noise pollution reflects is determined by field studies. Analyzing the questionnaires distributed among residents of adjacent streets, the results show that there are mild to severe illness and eventually decrease mental and general health of nearby residents in the streets.


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ادامه مطلب
فصلنامه هویت شهر شماره 31

مقاله ۱۶ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۴۰ (ضمیمه)

 The design of a cultural measurement model in the field of citizen’s innovation and cultural production |مصطفی عبدی *، دکتر اسماعیل کاووسی

The currect study was conducted with the aim of designing and presenting a model of measurement for cultural development in the field of citizens&rsquo innovation and cultual products. The study wasconductedwith objectives in which, indicators and components presented in UNESCO 2000 and Abdi et al. (2015) model of measurement for cultural development were presented to 34 people in the form of a questionnaire in order to test and confirm them. The population for the study consist of all graduate and Ph.D. candiates (in their second or higher years of academic study) in Islamic Azad Univeristy, Science and Reseacrh Branch in Tehran and the Isfahan Branch. Participants were selected by the application of Cochran formula. In order to analyze the data, factor analysis was performed using Lisrel software. Finally, according to the data obtained and after the removal of several primary indicators, the finalmodel of measurement for cultural development was presented for the field of cultural innovation in the form of six main aspects: books, translations, newpapers and magaznines, artistics products, handicrafts and entertainment, and cultural services/activities/products.�

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مقاله ۱۷ نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی ۴۰ (ضمیمه)

 Comparative study of Thomas More’s utopia and Farabi’s utopia by emphasis on architectural and urban Design spaces دکتر حسن ستاری ساربانقلی *

Utopian thoughts have precedence as old as human history. Islamic civilization utopian thought owes its progress to the Farabi&rsquos utopian concept and expansion and academic study of utopian term in west owes to the Thomas More Utopia book. Theoretically, Farabi&rsquos utopian thoughts influenced development of utopian system in both Islam and Western civilizations. By emphasis on Farabi&rsquos Utopia as an example of utopian ideas in Islamic civilization, and Thomas More&rsquos Utopia as an example of utopian though in the western civilization, this research tries to investigate the commonalties and differences of these utopias. The architectural and urban building spaces of these examples were studied in the conceptual viewpoint. Thomas More Utopia consists of fifty four similar cities. All of the cities have been constructed well according to the same plan as possible as.

ادامه مطلب
فصلنامه مطالعات مدیریت شهری شماره 22

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مقاله ۱۸

 Factors Affecting intention to buy of Islamic Azad University students to foreign brands of economy and clothing (case study: all students of Islamic Azad University in Tehran) حمید رضا سعیدنیا *، داوود قربان زاده

The present study aimed to investigate and identify factors affecting the intention to buy of Islamic Azad University students to foreign brands of clothing among the students of this university in Tehran has been carried out. In which the impact of individual characteristics (unique needs and brand attitude) and normative characteristics of students (normative influence and brand awareness) on model of cognitive – emotional intention to buy was studied. present study is kind of survey and to collect research data, a questionnaire that in combination of different sources available in research literature has been designed, was used. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, 384 students of Islamic Azad University in Tehran who knowingly bought foreign brands of clothing, was selected.

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مقاله ۱۹

 Identifying and Prioritizing of Effective Factors in Social Responsibility of Professors of Islamic Azad University, Branch of Qazvin نعمیه مرسلی *، دکتر مرتضی موسی خانی، دکتر علی بدیع زاده

The purpose of this research was to identify and prioritize effective factors in social responsibility of professors of Islamic Azad University of Qazvin branch which was conducted in 2014 and 2015. Among all statistical population which included 395 professors of the university, 195 professors were selected as statistical subjects from the population. In this research, it was attempted that by using written sources, views of experts, field investigation, and also interview with experts, a questionnaire be designed to identify the said factors. The instrument used for collecting information was the questionnaire. To determine formal and content validity of the questionnaire (the proposed indexes), content validity was used, and in order to determine reliability factor, Cronbach’s Alpha method was used for 5-Choice questionnaire of Likert. Then required data of the research were collected and by using statistical descriptive and inferential techniques, date analysis was conducted by SPSS software. Results indicated that structural dimension has the highest effect on accepting social responsibility among behavioral, structural, and contextual dimensions.


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مقاله ۲۰

 Study People and Nature Connection in Built Environment to verify Aqa-Bozorg Mosque as Biophilic Design دکتر خسرو موحد *

In this era that new technology has affected human life, many research scientists believe that Biophilic design can improve human well-being.� Biophilic architecture can provide healthy spaces connected with nature and reduce stress and enhance longevity. Different researchers have identified and categorized different patterns in the Biophilic design. These patterns have a wide range of applications for both interior and exterior environments with physiological, cognitive and psychological benefits. This paper focuses on the 14 Biophilic patterns connected with nature that have been shown to impact human health

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نشریه علمی پژوهشی مدیریت شهری و روستایی

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